
Popular culture could be defined as the opposite of opera, theatre, classical music or literature, which are regarded as high culture. Popular, basically, means the one belonging to public, however, the meaning of the word has changed and the word has come to mean the one that the public enjoys and loves. To some, on the other hand, popular culture is something imposed to peoples to create monotype people and markets within the globalization. What I have in my mind as to popular culture in this study is that almost everybody in the world has begun to forget about their national and traditional way of life and started to lead a similar life everywhere. Therefore, if we act with the terms of popular culture, that is, if we can make our own culture popular, then we may protect our own culture, make our language a world language and materialize the ideal of Gaspıralı, “unity in language, idea and work”.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Culture, Popular Culture, Turkish as a World Language, Unity in Language