
This study aimed to determine which subjects the theses performed in Turkish Language Education showed orientations. In accordance with this purpose, 1154 postgraduate theses written in Turkish language field were investigated according to their years, types, institutes, universities, targets and subjects. In the study, document analysis, one of qualitative research methods and techniques, was used. The data collected via Postgraduate Theses Classification Form, developed by the researcher. According to the findings, 81.3% of the theses done in the 2011-2015 years were master’s and 18.5% were doctorate theses. For the 2011-2015 years, the most theses were written in the institute of educational sciences (67.8%) and the institute social sciences (27.8%). The five universities with the most theses were Gazi, Atatürk, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart, Dokuz Eylül and Ankara universities. In the 2011-2015 years, most of the theses were done with secondary school students (31.5%) and learners of Turkish as a foreign language (11.3%). The most theses made on the subjects of teaching strategy, method and technique (20,1%), reading education (17,5%), writing education (13,6%), textbooks (13,2%) and Turkish language teaching for foreigner (11,3%).

Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish language education, postgraduate theses, trends, 2011-2015.