
Emojis are defined as alternatives of non-verbal communication in popular culture, the new language of digital communication and graphic based signs which express concepts and thoughts beside the facial expressions telling the concepts and feelings. The word etymologically consists of “e” which means “picture” and “moji” “letter, character” in Japanese. In the first half of the 20th century emojis were designed in different forms and were standardized with 6.0 Unicod, and 722 characters were formed by Japanese producers. The studies are going on for new emojis whose global popularity is increasing day by day. The study field of lexicography aims preparing dictionaries and developing its principles and rules, and it presents them to application field. The answer to the question of “Can we make use of emojis while preparing dictionaries?” is the aim of the present paper. Some points will be debated such as whether expressing a concept or feeling through emojis encourage usage of dictionaries, by this way whether the vocabulary of the users of dictionaries would be enhanced and whether this would be turn into a joyful learning/teaching activity.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Emoji, Dictionary, Lexicography.