
This study examines the interpretation bearing the name “An Interpretation of the Quran” registered in the Jarring Collection with the number “Jarring Prov. 15”. The Jarring Collection, which is included in this commentary, belongs to the East Turkestan region in China’s Sincan (Xinjiang) region, according to information obtained from the Lund University Library. The study of the interpretation of Quran has been donated to Lund University in 1982. The study originating from East Turkistan-Yarkend is dated 1929. The interpretation consists of seven suras whose author is unknown. These are Yasin, Tebareke, Kıyamet, İnsan, Murselat, Amme and Naziat suras. The language characteristics of the study reflect the Chagatai Turkish. In this respect, a comparative study of interpretation of the Quran written in Chagatai Turkish and mixed language interpretation of the Quran will contribute to researchers working in the field.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Quran, interpretation, Chagatai Turkish.