
Writing anxiety is a tension response that an individual experiences before or during writing. This situation causes writing behaviors such as avoidance of writing process, unwillingness to write; negatively affects writing skills and tendencies, and prevents writing habit. The aim of this study is to develop a reliable and valid Writing Anxiety Scale in order to measure writing anxiety of secondary school students. Exploratory factor analysis has been performed on 503, test-retest procedure on 165, confirmatory factor analysis on 509 middle school students. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, the three-factor) structure of the Writing Anxiety Scale of 26 items with a total variance of 40.55% has been confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (x² = 629.02, sd = 296, RMSEA = .047, NFI = .94. , NNFI = .96, GFI = .91, AGFI = .90, CFI = .97, SRMR = .052). In this context, Crombach’s Alpha, Spearman Brown and Guttman Split-Half reliability values of the scale general and its sub-dimensions; the structure reliability of the sub-dimensions of the scale; It has been found that the internal consistency coefficient obtained by the test retest process has over 70%. According to these results, a reliable and valid Writing Anxiety Scale has been obtained.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Mother tongue education, writing anxiety, writing skill, confirmatory factor analysis, validity, rel