
Education is a socially organized and regulated process for the continuous transfer of socially important experiences from previous to following generations. Any disruption that may arise in this process affects all members of society and affects them negatively. There are many reasons for the problems that disruption in education. However, the most striking among them is the disruption created by gender inequality. The first thing to do in order to eliminate gender inequality in education is to have a quality education approach. Because as long as an existing education system has a discriminatory structure or does not ensure that the education of all girls and boys is personally and socially valuable, that education system lacks the basic dimensions of quality. The study has emerged from these thoughts. The study provides an overview of the relationship between gender and educational attainment, suggestions on improving school access based on gender equality and eliminating the spread of gender inequality.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Sex, gender, gender ınequality, gender inequality in education.