
Mustafa Reşid, who is one of the authors of the middle generation period, dealt with the subjects of love and women in his novels. His novel Penbe Ferace’s subject matter is also love. The novel is the tale of the protagonist Server’s indecision between spiritual and sensual love and then his return to the woman he loves. The protagonist of the novel Penbe Ferace is similar to those characters in the first novels of the Tanzimat period who are deprived of father authority. Although the protagonist Server presents an ideal identity and personality, he is a”novice of life” figure. The inexperience and lack of will caused him to be influenced by others and fall into the traps of the bad people. The function of the love in the novel is to place the idea of marrying out of love which had been defended frequently since the first Tanzimat novels. In Penbe Ferace where the position of women in entertainment life is given place, it is felt that it has the aim of impressing the new persona type and new values with new lifestyle. The aim of this study is to discuss the influence of the Tanzimat period’s first novels on Penbe Ferace and whether it brought a novelty in Turkish literature or not.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Love, woman, evil, fun, inexperience.