
Colors (black, white, red, green, blue, etc.) come first among the elements that first attracted the attention and interest of people in history. Colors get rid of their original meanings in the cultural climate and gain new meanings and features, sometimes as symbols of goodness, auspiciousness, love and life, and sometimes evil, anger and death. In this study, the symbolic meanings and characteristics of the color "red" which have a deep-rooted and rich culture in Turkish and Slavic beliefs were investigated. As a result of the review of historical sources and research articles, it was found that the "red" color associated with the fire cult has a protective feature in the beliefs of the Turks and a protective as well as a healing feature in the beliefs of the Slavs. "Red", the color of blood, is a symbol of beauty, good health and long life in Slavic traditions, while in Turkish traditions it is an indicator of health, vitality and beauty. It was found that the symbolic meanings of red mostly coincide in the given two cultures; however, there are differences in the practice of rituals and other practices related to the color "red". At the end of the study, the information obtained was compiled and several evaluations were made.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Red, color, Turkic and Slavic societies, symbol, culture.