
Emotions are made sense of in the mind, expressed through language. Emotion verbs are the linguistic equivalent of the sensations we perceive through complex cognitive processes. In order to determine the semantic roles and internal semantic values of emotion verbs, it is essential to classify the verbs according to certain criteria. However, determining the semantic features of the emotion verbs reveals the necessity of examining the verbs at the morphological and etymological level. The aim of this study is to examine the emotion verbs in Kazakh Turkish vocabulary in terms of semantically and etymologically. The verbs that are the subject of the study were determined by scanning the Kazahsko-Russkiy slovar (Kazakh Russian Dictionary) and 139 emotional verbs were classified under eleven titles and their semantic features. In the study, important similarities were detected in some of the verbs that are common in Kazakh Turkish and Old Turkish, both in terms of structure and meaning. In the article, the use of verbs in Old Turkish has been compared with their forms in modern Kazakh Turkish, and the semantic and structural changes in the historical process have been revealed.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish language, Kazakh Turkish, emotion verbs, etymology, semantics.