
Since 1960s the argument that the Turkish word tüm is derived from the Arabic word tamm have been continued. In a reply to my artiche which stated that the word tüm is a historical Turkish word, it has been noted that the word tüm > düm is merely a repitative word such as düm düz that we see in many exampler. In the present response article, it is explained that the word tüm is not a repitative sylable, it has been used in the literary works from Kutadgu Bilig, Dîvânü Lugâti’t-Türk to Lârendeli Hamdîs Yûsuf Zelihâ, as well as it has been used İn Azerbaijani Turkish, Turkmen Turkish, Tatar Turkish, Bashkir Turkish, Sahalar (Yakut) Turkish in addition to Turkey Turkish, and it is at least ona thousend years old Turkish Word.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Tamm, tüm, düm, tümen