A Morphophonetical Contrast Problem in Old Turkish Period
Presence of d phone that is at the end of root syllable, in old Turkish. Next term, this phone that was exposed to d/>y/ changing in Common Turkish, having different situation from other final phones attracted our attention. Altough other root syllable final phones (=V#) form uncommitted phonemes (and surely morphemes) and consonants (=K#) that seperate the words which they joined to, in respect to their meaning/funciton (like ko-: kol-, te-: tel-…) ; d/ consonant joined to other forms of the words that end with V, by forming no meaning/function differences: like ko-, kod-… This situation seems like a result of two important morphophonetical processes: One of them, being able to setting the sufficient contrast with d/ phones belong to the words that have one syllable and forms of same words that end with V: like a : ad-ıl-, i-:ıd-, ko-: kod-, si- : sıd-, to- : tod-, u : ud… Other situation that we don’t run across it’s similars, is the support consonant property that appears on word, not supplement. Namely, this is support consonant pullulating a rank that appears while being added. Examples point to this property of d/: like a*-: ad-ıl-, i- : ıd-ış-, ko- : kod-ul-, ö- : öd-ür-, si- : sıd-ıg, si- : sid-ik, u : ud+ı-ku, ya- : yad-ıl-…
Old Turkish, root syllable final vowel, root syllable final consonant, vowel length, morphophonetica