Dede Korkut Say: “My Son! That Object is not Tarıglık, It is Tar Kıllık; That Verb is not Boşalmak, It is Yoşulmak”
One of the important clues to use to solve an incomprehensible text is context. Guided by the context; it is easier to advance, convert light dark spots in front of us, to understand the text and advance on the right track. We are not reading the words correctly, context leads us and we enter a new and different way to read this orientation, we try it. When reading and context overlap time, our way comes to a beach which light, filled with the light of day.
In this article, focuses on problems due to misspellings and incorrect readings with the an expression in the Kan Turalı Boyı/ Drs.92a.4.
Dede Korkut, taraklık/ tarıklıg; tar kıllık, boşal-, yoşul-.