An Interpretation of the Quran Written in the Oriental Turkish in 16th Century: The Translation of Adaptation of Yakub-i Çerhî (H. 993/Ad. 1585)
Mawlana Yaqub-i Charkhi/ his full name was Ya‘qub bin Usmân b. Mahmûd el-Ghaznavî al- Charkhi (death 851/1447) (a.d. 851/1447 who had lived at the fifteenth century and was a shakird of Baha al-Din Naqshiband/ Hodja Muhammad b. Muhammad el-Bukhârî (death 791/1389) who has established Naqshibandi tariqah, at the same time, he was a Hodja of Ubeydullah Ahrâr-ı Veli/ Nâsırüddîn Ubeydullah b. Mahmûd al-Shâshî es-Samarqandî (death 895/1490) who was a sheikh of the Naqshibandis. Mawlana Yaqub-i Charkhi was born in the Charkh city, which is with in the boundras of Afghanistan state in nowadays, then had educated at Bukhara and Egypt etc. After that he adhered to Baha al-Din Naqshiband who was established Naqshibandi tariqah. Mawlana Yaqub-i Charkhi who had a plenty of religious and sufic books, expounded Fatiha, Amma and Tabaraka which are sura of Qoran.
In this study, after discribed Yaqub al- Charkhi’s life and books it is worked about the Persian tefsir (comment) of Mawlana Yaqub-i Charkhi which was written by Hodja Hamadani as Turkish. It was explained when, where, why and what to made in this Turkish translating and widely discussed. Tefsir of Mawlana Yaqub-i Charkhi is a isari’s tafsir and particularly is known and pressed in Iran, Turkiye, India, Malesia, Pakistan. In addition, for the tafsir’s language is Persian it is not understood by the Turks and thus it has translatted Turkish.
Mawlana Yaqub-i Charkhi, Tefsir-i Yaqub-i Charkhi, The Translation of Adaptation of Yakub-i Çerhî, H