There are mentions such "Bükli Çöllüg El" and "Bükli Kağan" in Orhun Inscriptions. Very different opinions have been put forward from different from different perspectives on these names. We want to make insights on this name and put forward our own thoughts. In addition to etymological explaining of the names, we will examine it in historical and geographical aspects. The names in old texts, especially Chinese texts will be compared with the names of other texts in different language and thus the theme will be placed on the ground of history and geography. In this way, the works which have been made up to now on the identity, name, geography and relations with the Turks of the so-called Bükli have been passed through the criticism. Our aim is to make some determinations about ethnonim, toponym and historical events that we think to be misunderstood until now.
Orhun Inscriptions, Bükli, Korea, Manchuria, Tungus, Chinese Sources.