Language is the most important tool to express emotion and thought. Human beings aim to express language, emotions and thoughts as detailed as possible. These details emerge where necessary, by taking the advantage and possibilities of a language. The voice category is one of the possibilities that can be used to describe these details. In this study, Turkish reciprocal voice was studied only from the works of the Republican period, and the structures and functions constituting the reciprocal voice were determined. In the traditional grammar, the reciprocal voice is usually handled from a morphological standpoint, and it is stated that the reciprocal voice is formed only by the - {(Iş)} suffixs. Whereas the voice is; as well as morphological structure, morfo-syntactic, syntactic and lexical structures can be formed. In this study, the features that constitute the reciprocal, the functions of the interfacing and the features of the reciprocal voice will be tried to be revealed.
Reciprocal voice, reciprocal suffixs, morphemic, morpho-syntactic, syntactic, lexical.