Dede Qorqut Stories, which feature rich elements of Turkish culture, have excited a good many researchers’-linguistic scientists, folklorists, sociologists, psychologists, historians, etc.-attention in terms of both language and subject matter and precious researches have been conducted about them. While these stories keep on existing within oral tradition that go by various names across the Turkish geography from Adriatic to the Great Wall, only the stories of Bamsı Beyrek, Tepegöz and Deli Dumrul carry on across Anatolia. Our study will focus on the story of Deli Dumrul which has turned into tales – like “Avcı ve Adam”, which our study will also focus on - folk songs and legends within oral tradition in terms of the impressiveness of the subject matter treated and which has also been adapted into movies, theatre plays and tales in modern literature.
While comparing Duha Koca Oğlı Deli Dumrul Boyu, which is the fifth tale of the Dresden copy of Dede Qorqut Book and the tale of Azrail ve Adam, compiled from Ereğli, Konya that exists through oral tradition, the study will compare other identified variants of this story, as well. Thus, the changes that the story has been through throughout oral tradition will be established. The study will adopt comparative method
Deli Dumrul, Azrail ve Adam, version, oral tradition, comparison.