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    TR DIZIN 2020 Etik Kriterleri  kapsamında, dergimize 2020 yılında gönderilen ve gönderilecek olan yayınlar için Etik Kurul Belgesi zorunlu olacaktır. Bu kapsamda etik kurul izni gerektiren çalışmalar için makalenin yöntem bölümünde ilgili Etik Kurul Onayı ile ilgili bilgilerin (kurul-tarih-sayı) yer verilmesi gerekecektir. Bu nedenle dergimize makale gönderimi yapacak olan aday yazarlarımızın ilgili kriteri göz önünde bulundurarak makalelerini düzenlemeleri önemle rica olunur.





Writing anxiety is a tension response that an individual experiences before or during writing. This situation causes writing behaviors such as avoidance of writing process, unwillingness to write; negatively affects writing skills and tendencies, and prevents writing habit. The aim of this study is to develop a reliable and valid Writing Anxiety Scale in order to measure writing anxiety of secondary school students. Exploratory factor analysis has been performed on 503, test-retest procedure on 165, confirmatory factor analysis on 509 middle school students. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, the three-factor) structure of the Writing Anxiety Scale of 26 items with a total variance of 40.55% has been confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (x² = 629.02, sd = 296, RMSEA = .047, NFI = .94. , NNFI = .96, GFI = .91, AGFI = .90, CFI = .97, SRMR = .052). In this context, Crombach’s Alpha, Spearman Brown and Guttman Split-Half reliability values of the scale general and its sub-dimensions; the structure reliability of the sub-dimensions of the scale; It has been found that the internal consistency coefficient obtained by the test retest process has over 70%. According to these results, a reliable and valid Writing Anxiety Scale has been obtained.

Mother tongue education, writing anxiety, writing skill, confirmatory factor analysis, validity, rel

Adress :Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Derneği Karaman Mahallesi, Fulya Sokak, No 1 Nilüfer / Bursa
Phone :+90224 2941652-41885 Fax :+90224 2941897
Email :tekedergisi@gmail.com

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