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    TR DIZIN 2020 Etik Kriterleri  kapsamında, dergimize 2020 yılında gönderilen ve gönderilecek olan yayınlar için Etik Kurul Belgesi zorunlu olacaktır. Bu kapsamda etik kurul izni gerektiren çalışmalar için makalenin yöntem bölümünde ilgili Etik Kurul Onayı ile ilgili bilgilerin (kurul-tarih-sayı) yer verilmesi gerekecektir. Bu nedenle dergimize makale gönderimi yapacak olan aday yazarlarımızın ilgili kriteri göz önünde bulundurarak makalelerini düzenlemeleri önemle rica olunur.





The figures of speech are literary arts that enrich the meaning of words in order to express them more effectively and beautifuly. The figures of speech should be taught effectively and functionally in Turkish lessons. The students are expected to understand better the texts they read and to express their feelings and thoughts more effectively and functionally. In this study, the texts and activities of the figures of speech in Turkish coursebooks, which were studied in the 2019-2020 academic year in secondary school curriculum, were examined as the data source. "Document analysis method" was used in the research. In which texts, activities figures of speech in secondary school Turkish coursebooks are taught and also they are studied with which methods, are all evaluated with scanning model. The data were interpreted with using descriptive analysis with regard to the theoretical framework in which themes were determined and organized. While conducting the research, it was determined that activities related to “simile, personification, metaphor, exaggeration, anthropomorphism and contrast’’, the elements of the figures of speech were included in line with the outcomes in the Turkish curriculum. However, it has been observed that these texts and activities are aimed only to recognize and find the figures of speech rather than understanding abstract concepts and developing metacognitive skills. Considering that the metaphoric thinking provides creative and critical thinking, the purpose of this study is to use metaphoric examples in teaching of the figures of speech with regard to the cognitive development period of the students,

Turkish coursebooks,teaching the figures of speech, metaphor.

Adress :Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Derneği Karaman Mahallesi, Fulya Sokak, No 1 Nilüfer / Bursa
Phone :+90224 2941652-41885 Fax :+90224 2941897
Email :tekedergisi@gmail.com

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