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    TR DIZIN 2020 Etik Kriterleri  kapsamında, dergimize 2020 yılında gönderilen ve gönderilecek olan yayınlar için Etik Kurul Belgesi zorunlu olacaktır. Bu kapsamda etik kurul izni gerektiren çalışmalar için makalenin yöntem bölümünde ilgili Etik Kurul Onayı ile ilgili bilgilerin (kurul-tarih-sayı) yer verilmesi gerekecektir. Bu nedenle dergimize makale gönderimi yapacak olan aday yazarlarımızın ilgili kriteri göz önünde bulundurarak makalelerini düzenlemeleri önemle rica olunur.





Even though he used the old form as a form, he bent towards the society due to the difficult conditions of the Islamic world in the nineteenth century and Turkish society. He dealt with the subject of “yeis” in the poem based on the following verse: “O my sons! Go search for Yusuf and his brother. Do not despair of Allah's mercy. Because no one but the people of disbelievers despair of Allah's mercy” (Yusuf, 12-87/DKM, 245). Undoubtedly, the concept of “non-existence” in Turkish literature has not found a place as much as the concept of “existence”. The idea of ”non-existence” has been treated as a core in our literature for centuries, under different uses, until it was handled with an independent and new point of view in “Adem Kasidesi”. It is also certain that every poet who practices this concept has a unique understanding of “non-existence” or interprets “non-existence” in his own way. In Classical Turkish Literature, the field of “existence” is positive and the field of “non-existence” is negative. Both areas are negative in the poem “Âtiyi Karanlık Görerek Azmi Bırakmak...” In this analyzed poem, firstly, the “existence/non-existence” field in the couplets was determined. Then, it is explained how the poet created this field, which arts he applied to, and what kind of path he followed. At the end, “existence/non-existence” fields were compared.

Mehmet Akif Ersoy, existence, non-existence, hopelessness.

Adress :Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Derneği Karaman Mahallesi, Fulya Sokak, No 1 Nilüfer / Bursa
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Email :tekedergisi@gmail.com

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