Kazakh Turks have a rich epic tradition. Kazakh versions of Köroğlu narratives also reflect the cultural richness of Kazakh people in this epic tradition. Demonic creatures in oral culture keep the narrative alive. The witch, one of these demonic creatures, has similarities in the cultures with the physical features depicted. The witch, who is thought to be the equivalent of evil and is always scary, appears as a being who is asked for help when anybody is in trouble in the epic. In the epic, the witch interpreting dreams and telling fortunes is a being to be referred to. In this study, the ear of the witch in Köroğlu Epic in the Kazakh Version, which is one of her physical features and described as different from the normal ear and it is emphasized that this situation is an indicator of the witch's superiority over the others.
Köroğlu Epic, Kazakh culture, witch, physical image, ear.