It becomes more difficult to provide motivation for students by traditional methods in a period that our life refrained by technology. Taking advantage of information technologies also became an essential condition for teaching Turkish language that primarily aims to improve students’ efficiency in their mother language which will be used in their life. It became unavoidable to take advantage of applied techniques in teaching Turkish language that improves basic language skills related to learning areas that consist of reading, listening/watching, speaking, writing and grammar. This study aims to analyse how “preparing trailer”, which is a new technique that is not exist on teaching Turkish language curriculum, takes its part and applies in Australian Mother Language Teaching Material. An another aim of this study is to contribute to Teaching Turkish Language Curriculum by explaining how to practice fragment technique for language teaching. Australian Mother Language Teaching Material has been studied because of its content that includes different and current teaching techniques.
In this study, the data were determined by document analysis and evaluated by descriptive analyzing method. Sample events have been analysed in accordance with class level in order to improve language skills in the program. In the end, it is required to convey the novel that had been read by students of nineth and tenth grade, in a sort of way that allows opportunity to use the latest technological innovations and reveals their high level written expression skills, in concideration of Australian Mother Language Teaching Material.
Although preparing trailer technique, which exist in Australian Mother Language Teaching Material, is a technique to improve and evaluate all of the language skills, it is clearly understood that preparing trailer techniqueis a colloboration and process-based technique taht has been used to improve students’ reading and writing skills by analysing its sample application.
Teaching Turkish Language, Tecnique, Preparing Trailer, Australian Mother Language Teaching Material