Turkish has a lot of derivative suffixes but some derivative suffixes are rarely seen. Limited samples recorded throughout the history of language are not sufficient to detect the structure and functions of these rare derivative suffixes. In that case, the local dialects must be the first resource to look at. Local dialects are of great importance in terms of protecting the forgotten elements of language and having richer grammatical forms. To enlighten the structure and functions of the suffix of -GAl that is only encountered in a few words in historical and modern dialects, words that are formed with this suffix in the dialects of Turkish in Turkey will contribute a lot. The suffix of -GAl is seen in a few words in historical and modern dialects, only in the word of tutkal (glue) in the Turkish in Turkey. We can have a little information about the structure and function of the suffix as it is rarely used. Analysing the data in the dialects of Turkish in Turkey, this suffix has functional similarity with the suffixes of -GAn / -AğAn. In the dialects of Turkish in Turkey, some words have forms derived with the suffixes of both -GAl and -GAn / -AğAn in the same meaning. This arouse the idea that this suffix has developed from the suffix -GAn/ -AğAn with the -n > -l transformation. Analysed the data in the dialects of Turkish in Turkey, it is thought that there may be more than one suffix of -GAl coming from different resources. In some words it has same function wıth suffıx of -GIn /-GUn. In some words, the suffix of -GAl (-k-Al or -GA-l) that was constructed with the combination of -k- or -GA- intensification suffixes and -l/ -Al deverbal nouns can also be thought. This suffix which is rarely seen in historical and modern dialects has derived nearly forty words in the dialects of Turkish in Turkey. This suffix has derived adjectives that mean suitability, convenience, excessiveness, ability. At the same time, it has made a few tools’ names with meaning of excessiveness, convenience. In the dialects of Turkish in Turkey, this suffix is mostly added to the root with one syllable. It has been determined that the suffix has variations of -eğel, -ekel, -ğAl, -ḫal and -gar. The Dialects of Turkish in Turkey is a treasure filled with data that enlighten the formation and functions that are rarely encountered in historical and modern dialects and contribute to the solution of many problems in the history of Turkish language.
The dialects of Turkish in Turkey, derivative suffix, variant, suffix of -GAl.