The aim of this research is to determine the validity and reliability of a rubric developed to evaluate three-dimensional studies made under the influence of literary works in visual arts education practices. The research was conducted on 27 fifth grade students studying at a secondary school in Diyarbakır in the 2019-2020 academic year. The rubric items developed in the research were evaluated by three field experts. In the validity study of the scale, it was seen that the content validity ratio (CVR) values ranged between .80 and 1.00 and the content validity ındex (CGI) value was .91. proved to be appropriate. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient of the rubric for evaluating the three-dimensional studies of students on literary works was determined as .81. The Kendall fit test (w=.89, p<.05) result was high among the three raters who scored the rubric. This showed that there was a very good agreement between the raters. As a result, it can be stated that the developed rubric is a valid and reliable measurement tool.
Visual arts education, three-dimensional studies, Literary works, Rubric.