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    TR DIZIN 2020 Etik Kriterleri  kapsamında, dergimize 2020 yılında gönderilen ve gönderilecek olan yayınlar için Etik Kurul Belgesi zorunlu olacaktır. Bu kapsamda etik kurul izni gerektiren çalışmalar için makalenin yöntem bölümünde ilgili Etik Kurul Onayı ile ilgili bilgilerin (kurul-tarih-sayı) yer verilmesi gerekecektir. Bu nedenle dergimize makale gönderimi yapacak olan aday yazarlarımızın ilgili kriteri göz önünde bulundurarak makalelerini düzenlemeleri önemle rica olunur.






One of the sub-branches of phonology is functional phonology. Functional phonology deals with sounds that perform a certain task within the linguistic system. The phoneme, which is a semantic distinguishing element, also belongs to this group. Phonemes are categorized as segmental and suprasegmental. Segmental phonemes are vowels and consonants and are present in written language. Suprasegmental phonemes, on the other hand, are elements specific to spoken language such as stress, tone, melody, junction, pause, duration and inflection. These are generally referred to as suprasegments. The term prosody, which is borrowed from French, is also used. Each language has its own prosodic features. Prosodic features cannot be demonstrated in writing and emerge in speech, enabling fluent and effective speech. The key to the art of eloquence is mastery of the prosodic features of the language spoken and their meticulous use. The present article will focus on some prosodic features of Turkey Turkish.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Functional phonology, phoneme, prosodic features.

Adress :Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Derneği Karaman Mahallesi, Fulya Sokak, No 1 Nilüfer / Bursa
Phone :+90224 2941652-41885 Fax :+90224 2941897
Email :tekedergisi@gmail.com

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