This article will clarify the concept of psychopoetics. The approaches of a number of scholars regarding this term will be emphasized. The opinions of local and foreign scientists on this issue will be compared. At the same time, artistic works will be involved in the analysis from this point of view. The goal of psychopoetic, as a subfield of philological sciences, is to study the verbalization of what is happening inside and deep. It is to determine the psychological beginnings and its role in the transformation of thought into words. In literature, the function of language is very important in the unity of psychological content with artistic form. The psychopoetic aspect of language aims to understand the thoughts, feelings and expressions behind the words that are not clearly expressed. In this regard, Elchin's story "Monsters" and Kamal Abdulla's novel "No one to forget" were used for psychosomatic analysis. The mentioned works provide very rich material for psychopoetic analysis. The psychopoetic analysis of these works is defined as the main issue of the article.
Psychopolitics, psychosomatic analysis, psychologism, story, novel.