Berdi Kerbabayev’in “Öten Günler” Adlı Eserinde Türkmen Toplumuna Yönelik Sosyolojik Bir Çözümleme
(A Sociological Analysis of Turkmen Society in Berdi Kerbabayev’s “Öten Günler”
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Berdi Kerbabayev (1894-1974), sosyalist dönem Türkmen edebiyatında nazım ve nesir türlerinde eserler kaleme alan önemli isimlerden biridir. Yazar, Öten Günler romanında 1894-1925 yılları arasında başından geçen hadiseleri (mesela doğduğu coğrafya, ailesi ve eğitimi) ve tanık olduğu vakaları, ustaca bir anlatımla başkahramanı Mırat üzerinden aktarır. Öten Günler, 1884-1925 yılları arasında özellikle eğitim, bozulan dinî müesseseler, siyasal yapı ve toplumda yaşanan kültürel değişimi beyan eden bir edebî vesikadır.
Bu incelemede, Kerbabayev’in gözünden Öten Günler romanında verilen Türkmen halkına ait bilgiler, sosyolojik olarak 1. Kültürel Yapı, 2. Dini Yapı, 3. Ekonomik Yapı ve 4. Siyasal Yapı başlıkları altında incelenerek, büyük değişimlerin yaşandığı devre ayna tutan ve çağın tanığı eserin toplumsal arka planı ortaya konacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Berdi Kerbabayev, Öten Günler, Türkmen Toplumu, Sosyolojik Çözümleme
Berdi Kerbabayev (1894-1974) is one of the prominent figures who produce works in types of poetry and prose in Turkmen literature of socialist period. He gave many works in many kinds of literature such as poetry, story, study, and novel and some of his works are accepted as the first samples of the time when he lived. For example, the author brought into being the first socialist realist work through “Aygıtlı Edim” of 1940 and the first autobiographical novel through “Öten Günler” of 1974. Öten Günler is his latest novel in addition to being a work which he wrote in his old age. In this work, Kerbabayev deals with the time when he lived from 1884, the year of his birth, or in other words, his childhood to 1925. The incidents which the author experienced between the years of 1894-1925 (for example the place of his birth, his family and his education) and the events which he witnessed are conveyed through the main character, Mırat in an ingenious narrative. Öten Günler is a literary document which declares especially education, corrupt religious institutions, political structure and cultural change in society between 1884 and 1925.
This study will reveal social background of the work which mirrors the period when great changes had been experienced and is the witness of the period while the information on Turkmen people given through Kerbabayev’s eyes in Öten Günler is sociologically examined under these titles: 1. Cultural Structure, 2. Religious Structure, 3. Economic Structure, and 4. Political Structure.
Berdi Kerbabayev, Öten Günler, Turkmen Society, Sociological Analysis.