The story of Romulus and Remus being kept alive by being suckled by a she-wolf, the most important known example of the founding of Rome, is called "Lupa Romana". It is understood that the depiction, which we encounter in Roman mosaic art examples, especially in civil architecture, was used as an element of propaganda. In addition, it has been determined that the depiction of the she-wolf was first used in Central Asia based on the myths of Roman, Etruscan and Turkish mythology. The use of the wolf image in world mythologies was also examined to avoid focusing on a single culture when determining the archetype. As a result, the points where the sacred wolf in different cultures influenced the cultures were analyzed and it was understood that the depictions in Central Asia were accepted as archetypes and spread to other communities with the Roman culture.
Rome, mythology, she-wolf, Romulus and Remus, mosaic.