The aim of this study is to determine and evaluate the views of classroom teachers teaching in primary schools over the approaches toward Interest-based Learning in classroom. We asked three open ended questions to the participant teachers to obtain the data: How do you determine the interests of your students? , “What do you usually do to promote your students’ skills and interest in learning?” and “How do your students react your attitude to Interest-based Learning Strategy?” A qualitative research method was used to evaluate and compare the views of classroom teachers on the strategies for Interest-based Learning. The research was carried out with the participation of nineteen classroom teachers working in various Primary Schools in some cities in Turkey. The views of classroom teachers obtained through face-to-face interviews and e-mails suggest that their approaches toward what they do to promote the students’ interest in learning include using adaptive learning for unattended students to foster their interest in learning, communicating with families about students’ interests and skills in learning, providing children with preferences including culturally relevant materials and activities, taking the time to get to know the students and one-by one relations with the students. This paper draws attention to the views and practices of classroom teachers as a means of increasing awareness of Interest-based Learning in classroom environment.
Interest-based learning, adaptive learning, classroom management, classroom teacher.