
Tofa Turkish, the spoken language of the Tofa Turks living in the Irkutsk region of the Russian Federation, is one of the languages that is in danger of extinction. Tofa Turkish contains many elements from Russian in its vocabulary. Recording them is of great importance in terms of language history.

In this study; vocabulary taken from Russian in Tofa Turkish has been determined, and these have been classified thematically under various headings, both in their transcripted form and in their original form in the dictionary. The vocabulary items that emerged as a result of the thematic classification of the vocabulary elements taken from the Russian in Tofa Turkish in the dictionary named “Tofalarsko-Russkiy Slovar 2016 (Tofaca-Russian Dictionary 2016)” prepared by Rassadin, which is accepted as a database, are as follows: Based on the scanning of the entire database, 334 Russian vocabulary items have been identified, 285 of which are nouns, 47 verbs derived from Russian words, and 2 compound verbs formed with auxiliary verbs in Tofa Turkish. Of the 334 words taken from the Russian language, 65 words, 47 of them verbs and 18 of them nouns, are derived with suffixes. This shows that 19.46% of the words taken from Russian in Tofa Turkish are derived with constructional suffixes. Among the vocabulary items, it was seen that there were at most 69 vocabulary items related to the names of tools and goods, then 34 vocabulary items related to food and beverage, and again 33 items related to management and society.


Tofa Turkish, vocabulary taken from Russian, vocabulary, grammar.
