Juan-Juanların Çöküşü ve Dağılışı


Juan-Juans, the descendants of Mongol Donghus, are established a state by uniting some nomadic tribes between 4th-6th centuries. After Anaguey ascended the throne in 520, the indication of decline emerged because of inner conflict and aggression of neighboring states. The collapse of Juan-Juan state is accepted as one of the major event of Inner Asia. The major factors of collapse of Juan-Juan state are inner conflict and the aggression of Turkic state and Northern Tshi dynasty. Most of the Juan-Juan population was subjected to newly established Turkic state. Also Juan-Juans fused in small fractions to other Mongol and Turkic tribes like Khitan, Shi-wei, Hi and Uyghur. We consider that they are mentioned as Otuz Tatars and Tokuz Tatar in the Orkun inscription. Also we consider that the ones who escaped to Shi-wei lands are Meng-wu Shi-weis.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Juan-Juan, Mongols, Turkic state.