Azərbaycan Memarlığının Şah Əsərlərinin Durumu


Azerbaijan lands create one of the oldest settlements of Turkish tribes and community and nestle within unique culture, civilization and architectural works. In 1920, Republic of Armenia was established on historical Azerbaijan lands occupied Azerbaijan lands the supports of Russians and Westerners in early 1990s’. Armenians were settled the occupied Azerbaijan lands (Dağlık Karabağ, K?lb?c?r, Şuşa, Laçın, C?brayıl, Qubatlı, Z?ngilan, AğArmandam, Fizuli...); an important part of the works belonging to Turkish culture, civilization, architecture in these regions were destroyed; works that can’t be destroyed, were shown as work of Armanian. In this article, after giving information about the works of Azerbaijani architecture with generally they were expressed stuations of architectural works in West Azerbaijan (in occupied lands by Armenians).

Anahtar Kelimeler
Azerbaijan, architectural works, Armenia, occupation.