Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Ev Ödevlerine Yönelik Uygulamalarının ve Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi


The main purpose of this research is determining the aplications – the strategies followed- and opinions of classroom teachers for homeworks. For this purpose a survey which consists of five-point likert type with 50 items and 3 open-ended questions is developed. In the research,with this regard, which has a descriptive qualification for the analysis of the data; t-test,one-way anova, frequence and percentile values are used. Qualitative data is evaluated by content analysis.The survey is applied to 100 classroom teachers chosen from 11 primary schools in Adana by using simple random method. According to the data optained from research results, the teachers’ answers for the survey shows that they generally do correct applications about homeworks. The independent variables of the strategies for homework applications of the primary 4th and 5th classroom teachers; shows difference in gender and years of seniority but shows no significant difference in the teaching program/school.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Homeworks, Elementary School Teachers, Opinion of Teachers