Örtmece Sözlerin Mantığı: Kazak Türkçesi ile Türkiye Türkçesinde Karşılaştırmalı Model Analizi
Due to the cultural differences and in many respect similarities, Kazakh euphemism is slightly different from that of Turkish, but they are almost identical in pragmatic functions. Euphemism has numerous pragmatic functions, but five of them are taboo, avoiding vulgarity, concealing, beautification and humor. Euphemism is frenkuently used in daily communications. Using euphemism correctly can create harmonious atmosphere and build good personal relationship. Euphemism is the reflection of society, and its development is closely related to religions, social psychology and politics.
In this paper, the constituent ways of euphemism and principles of its use in Kazakh and Turkish will be examined and discuessed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
euphemism, Kazakh, Turkish, language, taboo