Ünlü Tatar Âlimi Prof. Dr. Mirfatih Zekiyev (2003-2012 Yılları Arası)


The famous Tatarian scholar Prof. Dr. Mirfatih Zakiyev was born in 1928 and he is 85 years old now. Zakiyev who has a life dedicating to science has become famous in the field of Turcology with his studies about Turkish Language, especially on Kazan-Tatarian Turkish. His works on Turkish language and Turkish history are evaluated as extremely serious publications by scientists. Prof. Dr. Mirfatih Zakiyev who is active in Turkish and Tatarian world not only as an academician but also as a bureaucrat is one of the most important figures of Turkish world. In this study, Prof. Dr. Mirfatih Zakiyev's short autobiography and the bibliography of his works between 2003 and 2012 will be given by years.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Prof. Dr. Mirfatih Zakiyev, Turkish Language, Turkish History, Bibliography.