Metinlerarası İlişkiler Bağlamında Oğuz Kağan Destanı’na Bir Bakış


Oğuzlar who found the great states in history and have a rich oral tradition, give verbal cultural products known as Oğuzname as a gift to cultural history. Oğuzname’s that is about the glorious history of the Oğuz, told by the folk poet from village to village , town to town by gone around. The idea of Turks directing the world and founding the world state are involved In Oğuzname’s. Oğuz epic assures important contribution to shaping Turkish epic tradition after itself, too. Oğuz Kağan Epic is the epic version of Oğuz Epic which thought as written by the alphabet of Uyghur before 14. century. Oğuzname which prepared by vizier and doctor of İlhanlı Reşideddin is the first version of called as annual version. In this article, intertextual relationship between the first annual version of Reşideddin’s Oğuzname and being first and unique manuscript with Uyghur character Oğuz Kağan Epic is analyzed.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Oğuz Kağan, Turk, epic, intertextual relations.