Karı Çor Tigin Yazıtının Çincesi ve Karı Çor Tigin’in Şeceresi


There are Chinese and Göktürk letter Uigur texts on Karı Çor Tigin mausoleum inscription that preserved at West Market Museum, in Xi’an, People’s Republic of China. Göktürk letter Uigur text has feature being first inscription which is found at center of Tang Khanate. In this article, there are Chinese text of Karı Çor Tigin mausoleum inscription, Turkish translation of this text, (According to Karı Çor Tigin inscription and Chinese resources) estimates about the genealogy of Karı Çor Tigin.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Karı Çor Tigin, Karı Çor Tigin inscription, Chinese of Karı Çor Tigin inscription, the genealogy of