Trakya ve Rumeli Türkçesi Ağızlarında İken Zarf Fiilinin İşlevleri


“-iken”, “-ken” suffix is adverb form of “i-“ complementary verb. The suffix don’t include convergence in written language since it preserves its qualitative characteristics froms its primary structure in lingual memory. Also, word stress is on previous syllable of “–iken / -ken”. However, harmony in language becomes difficult in terms of dialects and are encountered in various usage styles. For example, Bulgarian Turkish dialects includes this suffix as –ken, -kene, -ka, -kan, -kana, -kansi, -kedın, -kedin, etc. This study examines verbal adverb “–ken” in terms of both morphological differentiations and semantic changes. This study also profoundly examines the aformentioned verbal adverb with its usages as idiom, conjunction, reduplicaiton; its usage with other verbal adverbs and its usages indicating time and space and its usages with synchronic, diachronic and process indicating functions.

Anahtar Kelimeler
iken i-ken, adverbal verb, Rumelian, Turkish