Litvanya Tatar Türklerine Ait Hamailler ve Nemėžis Köyünde Bulunan İki Hamail
Lithuanian-Tatar Turks, Lithuania Great Principality the period of Golden Empire XIV. first century and its began to settle in after the breakup. According to the researchers, this continued uninterrupted XVII. century until. At first, Lithuanian-Tatar Turks knew Tatars Turkish. After due to various reasons they had forgotten XVI. end of the century XVII. per century. As a result, Qur’an interpretations, meanings, such as prayer and catechism, into religious books. Lithuanian-Tatar Turks so that with Arabic letters at first White Russian at later date Polish language the started a tradition of manuscripts.
In this article, first as result of research and inverstigations in the village of Nemezis of the city of Vilnius. The two hamail information will be given about the content of the book. Later in these boks, in words written in Turkish phonetic, morphology and lexicology there will be talk of the existence.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Lithuanian-Tatar Turks, Tatar Turkish, manuscripts, hamail