Belâgat Kitaplarında Mürâ’ât-I Nazîr’in (Tenâsüb) Tarif ve Tasnifi


In books of rhetoric, me'ânî, beyan and bedi available in three episodes, and literary arts is explained in the beyan and bedi section. Literary arts in chapter of bedi are discussed understanding in two groups as expression and basis; is the art of mürâ’ât-ı nazîr the foremost of arts of meaning. This art, in our classic literature is often known as tenâsüb, sometimes mürâ'ât-i nazir with the tenâsüp is perceived as two different art would lead to a classification of the observed. This art not addressed under a single name in various books of rhetoric and in others mürâ'ât-i nazir and in others are given under the title of the tenâsüb. In addition, as the arts of teşâbüh-i atraf and iham-ı tenâsüp are often described as the sub-title of this art. This art has been called also as tevfik, telfik, i'tilâf, cemiyet. In a couplet similar words be tenâsüb or mürâ'ât-i nazir, are considered see junk with a random choice. This however, a mistake can cause as almost there two different art. Therefore, the description and classification of this art, from books of eloquence should examining comparative in the table. In this article, describes and classifications on mürâ'ât-i nazir, from selected certain eloquence of books examined are introduced and shown as a table.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Literary art, mürâ’ât-ı nazîr, eloquence books, bedî’, comparison.