Kyrgyz is one of the Muslim Turkish tribes in Central Asia.
Information provided from Sources shows that Kyrgyz is one of the oldest Turkish tribes .
Kyrgyz who founded the first state in III. century BC, in the XVI - XVII. centuries struggled against the Kalmyks and Mongols and in the XVIII. century have been subject to khanates formed in Turkestan . .
During 1860 - 1861 their lands occupied by the Russians, in 1990 after the disintegration of the Soviet Union again gained their independence in 1991.
On the date, Kyrgyz who last long way , towards the end of the 19th century began to live under the rule of the Tsarist regime.
In 1867 Tsarist Russia before divided the Turkestan into region, and then states .
They placed Russians to the divided land and have set out to create a new Russia at this place.
In this article, the reasons uprising of Kyrgyz in 1916 and escape to China, respectively, have been described and given examples from literary works .
Anahtar Kelimeler
Central Asia , Kyrgyz, Tsarist Russia , Turkestan , Soviet Union , China, Tsarist Regime.