When talking about Kırgız literature, the first name that comes to mind is of course Cengiz Aytmatov. Aytmatov is located amoung the most read authors in the world. The author’s works has attracted attentions of the world readers with both its literary and philosophical depth. His works have been translated more than 170 languages, the total number of prints has exceeded 60 million.
Cengiz Aytmatov is name who was announced to the world presence of rooted a Turkic tribe called Kyrgyz which obtained homeland the foothills of Tanrı Dağları. His father Törökul Aytmatov, when Cengiz Aytmatov was just nine years old, in 1937, was arrested due to regarding as “Pantürkist” and in 1938 was killed secretly. As to his mother Nagime Aytmatova, she waited her husband Törökul until the end of her life, in 1968 passed away due to an illness suffered from the long time.
In this study, the author's life and works were tried to evaluate in the light of his own memories. As well as, in 1937- 1938, informations related to mass grave that were secretly buried Kyrgyz intellectuals who persecuted by Stalin have been presented to the attentions with its images.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kyrgyz literature, Cengiz Aytmatov, Törökul Aytmatov, pantürkist, mass grave.