
Manas Epic contains a thousand-year epic tradition, history, culture and world view of the Turkic world in itself. Therefore, there are many words unused today in modern Turkic languages, in this epic. Some of these words are only included in the pattern texts, said in a particular situations. One of these words is the word türk. This word used in the historical Turkic languages and classical Turkish literature as a meanings power, strength, strong, beautiful and mature, never seen in Kirghiz Turkish. It is even not pass in other Turkic languages. However, the word türk is used as a common noun with another lexical comprehension in the Manas Epic. In the first episode of the epic, in the Manas section the word türk means great and beautiful. Moreover, in the Semetey Epic which is considered to be the second circle of Manas Epic the word türk means the best. The word türk which means the best is used in the epic form that is describe a hero and which is repeated in the texts of two other masters. The word türk, in this epic form, reflects that the horse is the best of the animals, and the spear is the best of the trees. In our work, this was related to the formation of an unity with the hero's horse and weapon in epics.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Manas Epic, Semetey section, the word türk, horse, spear, unity.