Another purpose of language teaching apart from listening, speaking reading and writing education is teaching of values and culture. Because any languages have some characteristics specific to the society they belong, it is not possible to isolate languages from the values of the society they represents. Carrying out no comparative studies upon values education through the course books between different countries and understanding only some specific motives related to a society from the word of “value” is a serious problem. In this sense, this study is remarkable for providing the opportunity of making a comparison between the values of the countries through the course books and objectifying the fact that each country has its own specific values.
The study was document analysis carried out benefiting from the qualitative tradition. In the study, Turkish, Kazakh and Russian course books used in secondary education grade in Turkey and Kazakhstan were obtained from two cities with similar properties through the convenience sampling method. Subsequently, the fictional texts in the course books were determined choosing samples from the data in order to specify the values presented in the books more easily, and the study was carried out upon these fictional texts. After determining the texts to be analyzed for the study, the fictional texts chosen from Kazakh and Russian course books at secondary education grade were translated into Turkish, and subsequently experts were asked about their opinions on whether these texts were fictional or not in order to confirm the fictiveness of the texts. During the data analysis, the data set was read again and again by the researchers and two experts in order to have a comprehensive knowledge on the data set. Subsequently, obtained data were subjected to content analysis, and the data were coded. During the coding, the analysis unit was determined as value. Determined values were tried to be classified under some categories as independent from each other.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Message, course book, Turkish, Russian, Kazakh.