Mehmet Akif Ersoy (1873-1936), the poet of Turkish national anthem, is accepted as one of the most important poets of Turkish literature owing to the originality of his world of thought and his impressive literary style. The unique characteristics of his poems have an important role in making Akif’s poems special among all the other poems of his period. Mehmet Akif’s style of approaching to Turkishness and Islam and the reflections of his world-view shaping through these values take attention of the societies not only from Anatolia but also from elsewhere sharing the common values of Turkishnesss and Islam. The influence of Akif on Turkish World has been gradually spread since Sırat-I Müstakim that has also turned Akif on an action man with a wide sphere of influence. In this paper we focus on the direct and indirect influence of Mehmet Akif on the contemporary Turkish World poems by analyzing the notable characteristics of Akif’s poems. This paper also involves comparative and sampled texts reflected the attention of some of the Turkish World poets on Akif’s poems and his personality. In doing so the determination of the poets who have been directly in touch with Mehmet Akif or declared his influence on their works, the context they have been influenced is analyzed in accordance with the social and political situation of the era in this paper.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mehmet Akif Ersoy. Turkish World Literatures, Jadidism, Sırat-ı Müstakim.