
Entertainment in social / daily life as one of the oldest traditions of mankind is one of the indispensable elements of Divan poetry. The poets reflected elements of arts and entertainment in everyday life into their poetry by figures of speech like simile, metaphor, comparison, etc. As Muhibbi is one of the major poets of 16th century and one of the most important rulers of the Ottoman Empire, we think examining his poems and various elements of his poetry are important in terms of reflecting on entertainment councils and various aspects of consideration of the appearance from both the Ottoman daily life out of palace window and divan poetry that was actually a part of the Ottoman daily life, back then. This article was formed by the examination of 1083 couplets (related to entertainment councils and various elements of those councils) out of 3122 poems in Muhibbi's Divan that was published by Coşkun Ak and it has been evaluated and determined that which aspects of those elements were reflected in Muhibbi's poetry.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Muhibbî, Süleyman the Magnificent, Entertainment Councils, Divan Literature.