The recent studies carried out on the language learning needs in teaching Turkish as a foreign language have indicated that people tend to learn Turkish with the anxiety of finding a job. When the publications on teaching English as a foreign language are examined, it is seen that there are really lots of resources in the field of teaching English for special purposes. The individuals who want to learn a new language for a special purpose generally don’t have enough time to attend general language courses and this shows that developing language teaching programs for special purposes is really important. Therefore, with regards to the previous studies like “Business English” and “Tourism English”, the studies like “Business Turkish” and “Tourism Turkish” should be carried out. A special curriculum and appropriate coursebooks for this field should be prepared.
Coursebooks and workbooks are one of the most important tools for students in teaching and learning process. In this research, in accordance with the study called “Banking Turkish Teaching Program” by Temizyürek, et al (2015), there is a unit preparation practice for the coursebook called “Teaching Turkish for Bankers” in basic level. Thanks to this unit, the students are aimed to learn the vocabulary and the expressions that they are supposed to use in their daily business life in banking. It is also aimed that this research will pave the way for the studies in the fields of “Teaching Turkish for Special Purposes” and “Business Turkish”.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Teaching Turkish for Special Purposes, Business Turkish, Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, Ban