
Dream interpretation has always been a matter of human interest. There is a belief that the dream holds signs of the future on the basis of this interest. Both information based on dream has been given and examples of prophets’ dreams have been presented in the holy scriptures. Because of these, curiousity has increased even more. Dream interpretation which is an intriguing element and as evacatory as of everyday life has also become a subject of many literary texts. Various works of this kind which are called tabirname, tabirat-ı vakıat, tabirat-ı rüya, rüyaname, vakıaname, düşname have been written up. Mathnawi which is called Remzü’d-Dekayık of Hayrettin Hızır Atufi who is one of the famous scholars in the period of Bayezid II is one of the works of prose written in this kind. Atufi does not give clische information on his work as it can be make conclusion about the future from dreams. The poet who writes up works involving medicinal information claims that dream interpretation will be instructive in the medicinal field and ailments will be diagnosed by means of interpreting of dreams correctly that patient has seen. He explains his thesis with the close relation between human body and soul. The cases that occur on the body have reflected the soul. In this study,mathnawi called Remzü’d-Dekayık of Atufi will be introduced and translated written text of the work will be given.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Atufi, Remzü’d-Dekayık, dream interpretation, medicine, illness, diagnosis.