Chagatai Turkish, the second period of the North-East Turkic language, is a writing language that the Eastern Turks continue to use from the beginning of the 15th century until the beginning of the 20th century. Also in the Iran field many Chagatai Turkish dictionaries were arranged to understand the works of ‘Alí Şír Nevāyí. One of them was Luġat-ı Etrākiyye, written by Fetģ-‘Alí Bin Kelb-‘Alí Bin Mürşid Ķulı Bin Fetģ-‘Alí Ķacar-ı Ķazvíní in 1861 in Iran and is a Chagatai Turkic-Persian dictionary. In this study, after was given the information about "The Period of Kachars and the Status of Turkish Language and Literature in this Period" and "Fetģ-‘Alí Ķacar", was given information under the heading "The Dictionary of Fetģ-‘Alí Ķacar'" on "Presentation of the Work and Arrangement of the Dictionary", "Works Done on the Work", "Manuscript Writings of Work", "The General Characteristics of the Manuscripts and the Family Tree" and "Writing Features of Manuscripts".
Anahtar Kelimeler
Chagatai Turkish, Chagatai Turkish Dictionaries, Nevāyí, Lexicography, Fethali Kachar, Luġat-ı Etrāk