Word/concept ‘haram’ which belongs to Turkish languages religious terminology is a word that was transferred to our language from Arabic with the acceptance of Islam. Due to this situation, from Karahanlı Turkish era to the present days, word ’haram’ found a place in our speaking language besides literature and science and with time formed a concept field around itself. If its meaning is considered, its not doing an action content reminds Turkey Turkish word ‘yasak’. With this way of thinking; in this work, while the meaning network of ‘haram’ from historic Turkish dialects to nowadays will be compared, its relation with Turkey Turkish word ‘yasak’ will be observed and meaning network of Turkey Turkish will be compared with other living dialects. Subject words meaning process, situation of words derived from this word, and earned metaphorical meanings in the stereotypes will be followed from the vocabularies that are formed with both different Turkish eras and different fields.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish, religious terminology, haram, yasak (forbidden), meaning.