In 1848, Male Teacher Training School (Darülmuallimin) was opened in order to train teachers for the Secondary (Rüşdiya) schools, which was the first example of Ottoman civil modern schools. In 1868, the Elementary (Sıbyan) branch of Darülmuallimin was opened in order to train teachers for the Elementary (Sıbyan) schools and in 1876, for High Schools (İdadi); however, this branch did not survive for long. The High (İdadi) School branch, which was closed in 1880, was reopened under the name of Âlî with a decree in 1891. The Âlî branch was renamed as the Higher Teacher Training School (Yüksek Muallim Mektebi) in 1924, the school and in the thirties it was named as Istanbul Higher Teacher Training School (İstanbul Yüksek Öğretmen Okulu). The Higher Teacher Training School (Yüksek Öğretmen Okulu), at the beginning of the period until 1978, had an important role in the history of Turkish education in an attempt to train high school teachers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Teacher Training, Teacher Training School, Istanbul HigherTeacher Training School.